Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Path to Enlightenment

I tried, tried and tried compiling the cvs checkout of E17 on FreeBSD-5.4 and I had many problems, firstly the gnulibtools, automake, and autoconfig were missing. So, I got them installed.
Then there was this issue with the configure file,

ltconfig: you must specify a host type if you use `--no-verify'

So, I manually edited configure file and remove the `--no-verify' . Then it looked all okay till I got to edje, it gave some compilation errors. After few attempt I gave up :-( . However, I manage to install the same cvs checkout in my linux box :-D . So, not that bad.

After few months, still really interested on installing E17 on my FreeBSD box. I found that once I did the cvsup on ports , I had a new directory called enlightenment-devel, yippee yippie. That's the baby.. But I knew that with the mess I have done with the manual installation this might not be an easy task. Yeap, I was right as I have already installed the libraries like eet, ecore, evas, embryo etc; the "make" failed.. Ah! now I'm really pissed.. Well, not to worry, had a look around and found the FreeBSD package of the E17 in their ftp site (enlightenment-0.16.999.018_1.tbz) . With my fingers crossed, I did a pkg_add enlightenment-0.16.999.018_1.tbz , of cause I had to remove the E16 as the name was getting conflicted. And yippee, yippee I got it working. (Although crashes when I try to install any theme)

Isn't it beautiful

Anyway, now it is time to develop something. So, first thing, I want to put some icons to the iBar, so I read the fine manual and wrote a small Perl GTK app to do that, and yeah now I'm on the path to Enlightenment.

This how My Little EAP Editor Looks like

First Select The icon file (png ;-) )

Ah! it gives a preview ;-)

And you can fill the rest

This is before

And This is after

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